Famous Nineteenth Century Faces

review by

Blake Linton Wilfong
a.k.a. The Wondersmith!

Images on the Famous ClipArt website
are for review only and may not be reproduced.

Though photography has existed since 1826, cost-effective methods of reproducing photographs in publications did not become widely available until the 1890s. Thus engravings served the same function in 19th-century publications as photographs did in 20th-century ones. The supremely talented engravers of the 1800s painstakingly copied photographs and paintings with a precision and clarity unrivaled by artists of the following century.

Fortunately their work has not been lost. Don Rice has collected more than 1,000 superb black-and-white engravings of famous people from antique books and magazines, added concise captions, and organized them alphabetically into the clipart book Famous Nineteenth Century Faces. This softcover volume, published on fine semi-gloss paper by the Art Direction Book Company, consists of 126 8.5" x 11" pages, each displaying an average of about eight engravings of widely varying sizes. Due to the high resolution in which they are printed, even the smallest images show great detail. Reduced to monitor screen resolution, the image of Lord Byron reproduced here, albeit excellent, cannot convey the quality of these portraits.

Unlike most CD-ROM clipart collections or the popular Dover Pictorial Archive Series books, Famous Nineteenth Century Faces contains no license agreement. However, the cover states unambiguously that the images are "copyright-free" (i.e., the copyrights have expired). The pictures are ideal for school projects, websites, and print publications.

If you choose to buy this book, please order it through the link below. Thanks! After the link is a list, in roughly alphabetical order, of all the names of people whose portraits appear in Famous Nineteenth Century Faces so you can determine whether any specific images you need are included.

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Famous Nineteenth Century Faces

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Lyman Abbott
Abdul Aziz
Abdul-Hamid II
Charles Francis Adams
Jane Addams
Duke of the Abruzzi
John Quincy Adams
Queen Adelaide
Louis John Rudolph Agazziz
Emilio Aguinaldo
Albert (King of the Belgians)
Albert (Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel)
Louisa May Alcott
Amos Bronson Alcott
Prince Albert (later King Edward VII)
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Alexander I
Alfonso XIII
Russell Alexander Alger
Alexander II
Alfonso XII
James Lane Allen
Alexander III
Roald Amundsen
Robert Anderson
Mary Antoinette Anderson
John Albion Andrew
Susan Brownell Anthony
Ninth Duke of Argyll (Marquis of Lorne)
Hans Christian Andersen
William Henry Appleton
Adams George Archibald
Philip Danforth Armour
Matthew Arnold
Thomas Arnold
John Jacob Astor
Charles Asgill
Herbert Henry Asquith
Chester Alan Arthur
Alfred Austin
John James Audubon
William Woods Avernell
Alexander Dallas Bache
Robert Baldwin
Arthur James Balfour
Honore de Balzac
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks
Ludwig Bamberger
George Bancroft
Frenderick A. P. Barnard
Barnett Isaacs Barnato
Phineas Taylor Barnum
Amelia Editor Huddleston Barr
James Matthew Barrie
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
Clara Barton
Thomas Francis Bayard
Francois Achille Bazaine
Prince Eugene de Beauharnais
Eugenie Hortense de Beauharnais
Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard
Ferdinand August Bebel
Henry Ward Beecher
Roxana Foote Beecher
Lyman Beecher
Ludwig Von Beethoven
Henry Whitney Bellows
Alexander Graham Bell
Benedict XV
Judah Philip Benjamin
James Gordon Bennett (1841-1918)
James Gordon Bennett (1795-1872)
Thomas Hart Benton
Pierre Jean de Beranger
Henry Bergh
Hector Belioz
Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte
Paul Bert
Walter Besant
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
Sarah Bernhardt
Friedrich Ferdinand Von Beust
James Biddle
John Bigelow
Benjamin T. Biggs
Augustine Birrell
Ferdinand von Bissing
Otto von Bismark
Bjornstjerne Bjornson
John Charles Black
Black Hawk
Joseph Clay Styles Blackburn
Henry William Blair
Edward Blake
James Gillespie Blaine
Lillie Devereux Blake
Thomas Blanchard
Edward Bok
Jerome Bonaparte
Joseph Bonaparte
Louis Bonaparte
Rosa Bonheur
Robert Bonner
Daniel Boone
Edwin Thomas Booth
John Wilkes Booth
William Booth
Robert Laird Borden
Gutzon Borglum
George S. Boutwell
George Ernest Boulanger
Edward Stuyvesant Bragg
Mackenzie Bowell
Johannes Brahms
Georg Morris Brandes
John Cabel Breckinridge
John Brant
Robert Seymour Bridges
Phillips Brooks
(Eugene) Henri Brisson
Philip Bowes Vere Broke
John Bright
John Brown
George Brown
Joseph Emerson Brown
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
William Jennings Bryan
William Cullen Bryant
James Buchanan
Robert Williams Buchanan
Dudley Buck
Simon Bolivar Buckner
Don Carlos Buell
Bernhard Von Bulow
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Ole (Bornemann) Bull
Luther Burbank
Robert J. Burdette
Francis (Eliza) Hodgson Burnett
Ambrose Everett Burnside
John Burroughs
Benjamin Franklin Butler
George Noel Gordon Byron
George Washinton Cable
(Thomas Henry) Hall Caine
John Caldwell Calhoun
(James Donald) Don Cameron
Violet Cameron
Colin Campbell
George Douglas Campbell
Edward Richard Sprigg Canby
George Quayle Cannon
Joseph Gurney Cannon
Antonio Canovas del Castillo
William Carey
William McKendree Carleton (Will Carleton)
John Griffin Carlisle
Don Carlos I
Don Carolos
Empress Carlotta (or Charlotte)
Thomas Carlyle
Andrew Carnegie
Marie Francois Sadi Carnot
Carol I
Christopher Carson (Kit Carson)
Georges Etienne Cartier
Enrico Caruso
Alice Cary
Emilio Castelar
Lewis Cass
Louis Eugene Cavaignac
Camillo Benso di Cavour
Cervera y Topeto
Henry Chadwick
Comte de Chambord
Adna Romanza Chaffee
Joseph Chamberlain
Jean Francois Champollion
William Eaton Chandler
William Ellery Channing
Charles I
Charles XIV
Salmon P. Chase
George William Childs
Joseph Hodges Choate
Rufus Choate
Frederic Chopin (Frederic Francois Chopin)
Christian VIII
Christian IX
Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill
Jeanette (Jennie) Jerome Churchill
Henry Clay
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
James Beauchamp Clark
Georges-Benjamin Eugene Clemenceau
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)
Grover Cleveland
Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb
Buffalo Bill Cody (William Frederick Cody)
John William Colenso
Richard Cobden
Schuyler Colfax
Wilkie Collins
Norman Jay Colman
Vincent Colyer
George Combe
Anthony Comstock
Roscoe Conkling
Ralph Connor
Duke of Connaught
Constantine I
James Fenimore Cooper
Peter Cooper
Edward Drinker Cope
Benoit Constant Coquelin
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Michael Augustine Corrigan
Thomas Corwin
Michael Costa
Elliot Coues
Samuel Sullivan Cox
Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Stephen Crane
Francis Marion Crawford
George Crook
Fannie Crosby
Marie Curie
Andrew Greg Curtin
George William Curtis
Caleb Cushing
Charlotte Caunders Cushman
George Armstrong Custer
Manasseh Cutler
Pauline Cushman
James Richard Dacres
Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
John A. Dahlgren
Charles Anderson Dana
James Dwight Dana
Richard Henry Dana
Alphonse Daudet
Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin)
Ranny Lily Gypsy Davenport
Cushman Kellogg Davis
David Davis
George Whitefield Davis
Jefferson Davis
Richard Harding Davis
Varina Anne Howell Davis
Humphrey Davy
Henry Laurens Dawes
William Rufus Day
Louis Nicolas Davoust
Eugene Victor Debs
Stephen Decatur
John Thaddeus Delane
George Washington De Long
Chauncey Mitchell Depew
William Dennison
Thomas De Quincy
Lord Derby
Emmy Destinn
George Dewey
Porfiro Diaz
Charles John Huffman Dickens (Charles Dickens)
Anna Elizabeth Dickinson
Ivan Ivanovitch Diebitsch-Sabalkanski
Charles Wentworth Dilke
John Dillon
Benjamin Disraeli
John Adams Dix
Morgan Dix
William Earle Dodge
Sanford Ballard Dole
Ignatius Donnelly
Gustave Dore
Abner Doubleday
Frederick Douglass
Stephen Arnold Douglas
Neal Dow
Arthur Conan Doyle
John William Draper
William Henry Drummond
Lord Dufferin
Anothy Joseph Drexel
Paul Belloni Du Chaillu
Alexandre Dumas (fils)
Alexandre Duams (pere)
George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier (George Du Maurier)
Samuel Francis Dupont
Antonin Dvorak
Theodore William Dwight
Timothy Dwight
James Buchanan Eads
Jubal Anderson Early
Dorman Bridgman Eaton
Thomas Alva Edison (Thomas Edison)
George Franklin Edmunds
Edward VII (as a child)
Georg Moritz Ebers
Edward VII
Thomas Edward
Edward Eggleston
Earl of Elgin
Charles William Eliot
Charles Ellet
Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)
Ralph Waldo Emerson
William Crowninshield Endicott
John Ericsson
Robley Dunglison Evans
William Maxwell Evarts
Edward Everett
Richard Stoddert Ewell
Charles Warren Fairbanks
Charles Stebbins Fairchild
Lucius Fairchild
Emily Faithfull
Michael Faraday
John Murphy Farley
David Glasgow Farragut
Frederic William Farrar
Geraldine Farrar
Chales B. Farwell
Felix Faure
Jules Claude Gabriel Favre
Ferdinand I
Ferdinand & Marie
Ferdinand I (IV of Naples)
Jules Francois Ferry
Eugene Field
Stephen Johnson Field
Cyrus West Field
Mary Catherine Keemle Field (Kate Field)
Samuel Fielden
James Thomas Fields
Millard Fillmore
Adolph Fischer
Hamilton Fish
Harrison Fisher
Clinton Bowen Fisk
John Fiske
James Montgomery Flagg
Camille Flammerion
Mary Anna Hallock Foote
Archibald Forbes
Henry Ford
William Edward Foster
John Watson Foster
Maximilien Sebastien Foy
Francis Joseph I
William Buel Franklin
Frederick III
Frederick VI
Frederick Charles
Frederick William III
Frederick William IV
Louis Honore Frechette
John Charles Fremont
Charles Louis de Saulces de Freycinet
Friedrich Frobel
James Anthony Froude
Henry Bartle Edward Frere
Margaret Fuller
Johanna Gadski
Lyman Judson Gage
Edward Miner Gallaudet
John Galsworthy
Leon Gambetta
Albert Gallatin
Calixto Garci y Iniquez
Mary Garden
James Abram Garfield
Guiseppe Garibaldi
William Lloyd Garrison
Richard Jordan Gatling
Augustus Hill Garland
Joseph E. Gary
Elbert Henry Gary
John White Geary
Archibald Geikie
George I
Henry George
James Gibbons
Charles Dana Gibson
William Schwenck Gilbert
Richard Watson Gilder
Quincy Adams Gillmore
Stephen Girard
William Ewart Gladstone
Manuel de Godoy
George Washington Goethals
Maximo Gomez
Samuel Gompers
Charles George (Chinese) Gordon
John Brown Gordon
William Crawford Gorgas
Arthur Gorgey
Alexander Michaelovitch Gortchakoff
Jay Gould
John Bartholomew Gough
Benjamin Apthorp Gould
Charles Francois Gounod
Henry W. Grady
Ulysses Simpson Grant
Horace Greeley
John Richard Green
Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
Walter Quinton Gresham
Francois Paul Jules Grevy
Charles Vernon Gridley
Benjamin Henry Grierson
Julius Grinnel
Antonio Guzman Blanco
George Edward Grey
Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot
Arthur Twining Hadley
Henry Rider Haggard (H. Rider Haggard)
Edward Everett Hale
Thomas Chandler Haliburton ("Sam Slick")
Granville Stanley Hall
Fitz-Greene Halleck
Murat Halstead
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Hannibal Hamlin
Wade Hampton
Winfield Scott Hancock
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
William George Granville
Thomas Hardy
John M. Harlan
William Rainey Harper
Beatrice Harraden
Joel Chandler Harris
William Torrey Harris
Bejamin Harrison
Carter Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison
(Francis) Bret Harte
Henry Havelock
Joseph Roswell Hawley
Nathaniel Hawthorne
John Hay
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Samuel Peter Heintzelman
Thomas Andrews Hendricks
Joseph Henry
Johann Friedrich Herbart
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
James Jerome Hill
Francis Hinks
George Frisbie Hoar
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Bell Hood
Joseph Hooker
Mark Hopkins
Sam Houston
Oliver Otis Howard
Elias Howe
Joseph Howe
Julia Ward Howe
William Dean Howells
Elbert Green Hubbard
Victoriano Huerta
Chales Evans Hughes
Samuel Hughes
Thomas Hughes
Victor Marie Hugo
Heinrich Alexander Von Humboldt
(William) Holman Hunt
William Morris Hunt
Daniel Huntington
Thomas Henry Huxley
Henrik Ibsen
Robert Green Ingersoll
George Inness
John Ireland
Henry Irving
Washington Irving
Isabella II
Hirobumi Ito
Don Augustin de Iturbide
George Izard
Andrew Jackson
Thomas Jonathan Jackson (Stonewall Jackson)
Henry James
Davis F. Jamison
Joseph Jefferson
Joseph Jacque Cesaire Joffre
Andrew Johnson
Reverdy Johnson
Richard Mentor Johnson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph Eggleston Johnston
Jacob Jones
Moricz Jokai
Francois de Joinville
David Starr Jordan
Jean Baptiste Jourdan
Wilhelm Junker
David Kalakaua
Gustave von Kalnoky
Philip Kearny
John Ernst Worrel Keely
John Keats
Lord Kelvin
Louis Kempff
Amos Kendall
Simon Kenton
Francis Scott Key
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Rudyard Kipling
Horatio Herbert Kitchener
Philander Chase Knox
Clara Louisa Kellogg
Robert Koch
Stephanus Johannes Paulus
Robert Marion La Follette
Lajos Kossuth
Henry Labouchere
Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar
Alphonse de Lamartine
Charles Lamb
Daniel Scott Lamont
Sidney Lanier
Edwin Henry Landseer
John George Lambton
Marquis of Lansdowne
Andrew Lang
Lillie Langtry
Eduard Lasker
Julia Clifford Lathrop
Ferdinand Lassalle
John Laird Mair Lawrence
Henry Ware Lawton
Wilfred Laurier
William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Fitzhugh Lee
Robert Edward Lee
Joseph Leidy
Frederick Leighton
Leopold II
Miriam Florence Folline Leslie
Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps
George Granville Leveson-Gower
Wilhelm Liebknecht
Abraham Lincoln
Li Hung Chang
Robert Todd Lincoln
Lydia Kamekeha Liliuokalani
Jenny Lind
Edward Livingston
Louis Lingg
Franz von Liszt
David Livingston
Belva Ann Bennett McNall Lockwood
Henry Cabot Lodge
John Alexander Logan
Jack London
John Davis Long
James Longstreet
Pierre Lorillard
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
George Van Ness Lothrop
Emile Loubet
Louis Philippe
Louis Phillipe
Marquis of Lorne
Elijah Parrish Lovejoy
Seth Low
James Russell Lowell
John Lubbock
Stephen Bleecker Luce
William Ludlow
Charles Lyell
Mary Lyon
Nathaniel Lyon
Arthur MacArthur
Duncan McArthur
Bowman Henry McCalla
William Penn McCann
Justin McCarthy
John McCloskey
Edward Moody McCook
George Brinton McClellan
Cyrus Hall McCormick
James McCosh
George Mcdonald
John Alexander Mcdonald
Duncan MacDougall
Irvin McDowell
Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Alexander Mackenzie
Edward McGlynn
William Lyon Mackenzie
William McKinley
James Birdseye McPherson
Thomas Babington Macaulay
James Madison
Dorothy Paine Todd Madison (Dolly Madison)
Alfred Thayer Mahan
William Mahone
Stephen Russel Mallory
Horace Mann
Mary Mannering (Florence Friend)
Richard Mansfield
Karl Rochus Edwin von Manteuffel
Allesandro Manzoni
Maria Christina
Julia Marlowe (Sarah Frances Frost)
John Marshall
Thomas Riley Marshall
Philip Bourke Marston
Arsenio Martinez de Campos
Karl Marx
James Murray Mason
Dabney Herndon Maury
Ferdinand Maximilian
Maximilian Joseph II
Matthew Fontaine Maury
Alfred Marshall Mayer
Giuseppe Mazzini
George Gordon Meade
Thomas Francis Meagher
Montgomery Cunningham Meigs
Mehemet Ali
Nellie Melba (Helen Porter Mitchell)
George Wallace Melville
Jokob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Alexander Sergevitch Menshikoff
Desire Joseph Mercier
Wesley Merritt
Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lother von Metternich-Winneburg
Louise Michel
Maria Evarist Miguel
Milan I
Nelson Appleton Miles
James Miller
William Miller
Francisco Javier Mina
Ormsby McKnight Mitchel
Joaquin Miller (Cincinnatus Heine Miller)
Maggie Mitchell
Maria Mitchell
John Mitchell
Helena Modjeska
Robert Moffat
Hellmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke
Theodor Mommsen
James Monroe
Moses Haim Montefiore
John Berrien Montgomery
Dwight Lyman Moody
Thomas Moore
Thomas Moonlight
John Bassett Moore
John Pierpont Morgan (as a young man)
John Pierpont Morgan (older)
John Morley
Justin Smith Morrill
Charles Morris
Clara Morris
William Morris
Edward Sylvester Morse
Samuel Finley Breese Morse (Samuel Morse)
Levi Parsons Morton
Oliver Perry Morton
William Thomas Green Morton
Johann Jespeh Most
John Lothrop Motley
Lucretia Coffin Mott
John Muir
Joachim Murat
Louis Charles Alfred de Musset
Albert James Myer
Fridtjof Nansen
Charles Napier
Napoleon III
Thomas Nast
John Henry Newman
Nicholas II
Nicholas I
Oscar Neebe
Florence Nightingale
Christine Nilsson
Meresuke Nogi
Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskjold
Charles Eliot Norton
Bill Nye
Richard James Oglesby ("Uncle Dick")
Emile Ollivier
Richard Olney
Amelia Alderson Opie
Edward Otho Cresap Ord
Oscar I
Oscar II
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Elwell Stephen Otis
Nicholas Charles Oudinot
James Outram
John Oxenford
Nicolo Paganini
Thomas Nelson Page
Tomas Estrada Palma
Francis Parkman
Charles Stewart Parnell
Albert R. Parsons
Lucy Parsons
Ivan Paskevitch
Louis Pasteur
Francis Landey Patton
Adelina Patti
Hiram Paulding
John Howard Payne
George Peabody
Charles Wilson Peale
George Wilbur Peck
Pedro II
John Clifford Pemberton
Matthew Calbraith Perry
William Walter Phelps
Robert Peel
David Graham Phillips
Wendell Phillips
George Edward Pickett
Franklin Pierce
Zebulon Montgomery Pike
William Pinkney
Gifford Pinchot
Isaac Pitman
Pius VII
Pius IX
Lyon Playfair
Raymond Poincare
Edgar Allan Poe
James Knox Polk
Marcus Mills "Brick" Pomeroy
John Pope
David Dixon Porter
Fitz-John Porter
Gene Stratton Porter
Peter Buel Porter
William Sydney Porter (O. Henry)
Cora Urquhart Potter
Terence Vincent Powderly
Edward Preble
William Hickling Prescott
Sterling Price
Juan Prim
Richard Anthony Proctor
Joseph Pulitzer
George Mortimer Pullman
James L. Pugh
Josiah Quincy
Joseph Wenzel Radetzky
John Randolph
Lord Raglan
Alexander Ramsey
Matthew Whitaker Ransom
1st Marquis of Reading
John P. Rea
Red Jacket
John Edward Redmond
James Redpath
Joseph Ernest Renan
Cecil John Rhodes
Whitelaw Reid
James Brewerton Ricketts
Ravael del Riego y Nunez
James Whitcomb Riley
George Ripley
Lord Roberts
James Robertson
ary Roberts Rinehart
Elizabeth Flynn Rodgers
John Davison Rockefeller
John Rodgers
John Augustus Roebling
William Conrad Roentgen
Albrecht Theodor Emil
Elihu Root
O'Donovan Rossa
William Starke Rosecrans
John Ross (Ko Wes Koo We)
Theodore Roosevelt
Juan Manuel de Rosas
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Lionel Nathan Rothschild
Stephen Clegg Rowan
Edmund Ruffin
Jeremiah McClain Rusk
John Ruskin
John Russell
William Howard Russell
Patrick John Ryan
Praxedes Mateo Sagasta
Russell Sage
Auguste de Saint Hilaire
John Pierce St. John
Robert Henry Sale
Marquis of Salisbury
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
George Sand (Armandine Lucile Aurore Dupin)
William Thomas Sampson
Leon Say
Henry Schliemann
Alberto Santos-Dumont
Jacob Schaefer
Robert Schlagintweit
Hermann Schlagintweit
Adolphe von Schlagintweit
Wilfield Scott Schley
Franz Peter Schubert
Robert Schumann
Ernestine Schumann-Heink
Carl Schurz
Michael Schwab
Walter Scott
Winfield Scott
Charles Scribner
Laura Ingersoll Secord
John Sedgwick
Raphael Semmes
Francisco Serrano y Dominguez
William Henry Seward
William Rufus Shafter
Anna Howard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shere Ali
Philip Henry Sheridan
John Sherman
William Tecumseh Sherman
Daniel Edgar Sickles
Franz Sigel
Sitting Bull
Samuel Slater
John Slidell
Henry Warner Slocum
Andrew Jackson Smith
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Goldwin Smith
Samuel Francis Smith
Sydney Smith
William Robertson Smith
John Philip Sousa
Herbert Spencer
Robert Southy
Albert Goodwill Spalding
Claus Spreckels
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
August Spies
Henry Morton Stanley
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Edwin McMasters Stanton
Frederick Steele
Alexander Hamilton Stephens
George Stephenson
Adlai Ewing Stevenson
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Charles Stewart
George Stoneman
Frank Richard Stockton (Frank R. Stockton)
Richard Salter Storrs
Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe
John Strachan
Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal
James Jesse Strang
Silas Horton Stringham
Johan August Strindberg
Gilbert Charles Stuart
James Ewell Brown Stuart ("Jeb" Stuart)
Suleiman Pasha
Arthur Seymour Sullivan
John Lawrence Sullivan
Joseph Gardiner Swift
David Swing
Charles Sumner
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Alexandre Antoinine Tache
William Howard Taft
Thomas De Witt Talmage
Roger Brooke Taney
James Bayard Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Alfred Tennyson (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)
John Henry Temple
Alfred Howe Terry
Ellen Alice Terry
Nikola Tesla
Louisa Tetrazzini
Louis Adolph Thiers
William Makepeace Thackeray
George Henry Thomas
Henry David Thoreau
Emma Thursby
George Ticknor
Charles Lewis Tiffany
Samuel Jones Tilden
Franz Eduard Todleben
Heihachiro Togo
Allen Granvery Thurman
Lev Nikolkaievich Tolstoi
Robert Toombs
Benjamin Franklin Tracy
George Francis Train
Charles Tupper
John Tyler
William Marcy Tweed
John Tyndall
Umberto I
CLement Laird Vallandigham
Martin Van Buren
Zebulon B. Vance
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Cornelius Vanderbit II
William Cornelius Van Horne
Solomon Van Rensselaer
Stephen Van Rensselaer
Guiseppe Verdi
Vasili Vereshchagin
Jules Verne
Queen Victoria
Victor Emmanuel II
Claude Perrin Victor
Francisco Villa (Pancho Villa)
Queen Victoria (dressed for review)
William Freeman Vilas
Henry Villard
Benjamin Franklin Wade
Richard Wilhelm Wagner
John Grimes Walker
Mary Edwards Walker
Alfred Russell Wallace
Lewis Wallace
John Walter
John Wanamaker
Mrs. Humphrey (Mary August Arnold) Ward
Adoniram Judson Warner
Charles Dudley Warner
Henry Watterson
Daniel Webster
Mason Locke Weems
Noah Webster
Gideon Welles
Valeriano Weyler y Nocolau
Benjamine Ide Wheeler
Joseph Wheeler
William Almon Wheeler
Henry Benjamin Whipple
James Abbott McNeil Whistler
Andrew Dickson White
William White
Brand Whitlock
Walt Whitman
Eli Whitney
William Collins Whitney
John Greenleaf Whittier
S. Stone Wiggins
William Wilberforce
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Oscar Wilde (Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde)
Wilhelm II
Frances Elizabeth Willard
William I (Kaiser Wilhelm)
William II
William IV
Nathaniel Parker Willis
James Harrison Wilson
Eleazer Williams
John Wilson (Christopher North)
Henry Wilson
John Ancrum Winslow
Justin Winsor
Henry Alexander Wise
Sergei Witte
Garnet Joseph Wolseley
Fernando Wood
Leonard Wood
John Ellis Wool
William Wordsworth
William Lowndes Yancey
Richard Yates
James Lucas Yeo
Ella Flagg Young
John Russell Young
Duke of York (George V)
Brigham Young
Yuan Shih-k'ai
Israel Zangwill
Hans Ernst Karl von Zieten
Emile Zola
Felix Kirk Zolliscoffer
Thomaso Zumala-Carregui

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Famous Nineteenth Century Faces

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